Our Shaklee Story

Our Shaklee story begins almost 48 years ago, when I (Heather) was just a newborn baby. My parents were introduced to Shaklee in 1975. Their interest was piqued, and from that moment, they began using the products little by little and absolutely fell in love with them. (Incidentally, several months later, they learned about the opportunity and quickly built a successful business that is still alive, strong, and growing today- all by sharing about products that were making a tremendous impact on our family's health!) Their decision to become a part of this incredible company has forever impacted me. I grew up learning that our bodies are wonderfully made by our Creator, and when we give them what they need, they will perform beautifully! So- even when the occasional "bug" came our way, we knew how to give our bodies the building blocks to be able to recover well. No one in our family struggled with any of the diseases that are now all too common. That is big. But beyond that, we had optimal, feel-great health! That is even bigger.

Fast-forward to1997. My husband and I were both graduating from Asbury University with degrees in Biology. While I contemplated pursuing graduate school in Physical Therapy, deep down, I wanted to be a stay at home mom to raise our family one day. But I also wanted to do something that would have great impact on others' lives! So, at age 22, I began actively sharing the gift of Shaklee with others. What an adventure it has been. I love the fact that, with complete confidence, I can share Shaklee with you. The science, research & development of these products is unmatched in the industry. That is why we have experienced such wonderful results. They work. But beyond the impact to our family’s nutritional wellness has been the enormous impact the business opportunity has meant to our family. For almost 26 years, I’ve been a stay home wife, mom, and business leader; I’ve been able to generate substantial supplemental income for our family! And- it’s something that we can even pass on to our children one day! Our team is currently being coached by a remarkable (and wildly successful) man named Dr. K Sow of Malaysia. Because of his work with us, we have a duplicatable system for building a successful, thriving Shaklee organization! If you’d like a brief “Birdseye View” of the opportunity, please click here.

We are so happy you're on a quest toward better health. We're here to serve you in the process, so please feel free to contact us with any questions you have along the way. Our goal is to help people reclaim their health and that of their families. We are on a mission: Health Care is really ‘Sick Care,’ and we’re on a mission to turn the tide to Well Care!

In 2021, we relocated from Lilburn, Georgia to Leadville, Colorado-- the highest altitude town in the continental US! Our God-sized goal in moving here is to launch a family adventure camp focused on investing in families in a holistic way. We are deeply grateful that my Shaklee business is portable, and we are excited to share the gift of Shaklee out here in CO, too!

We are here to serve you!

Heather & Steve Wilson

P.S. We have five amazing children who have all taught us so much about God and His goodness to us! Ian is 22, Tyler is 20, and Matthew is 16. Isaac is 9, and he is partying and dancing with Jesus in heaven. And Moriah- our gift after the storm- is 8! Children are the most beautiful gifts from God! They are the single largest reason I chose to launch a Shaklee business. What a GIFT this journey has been and continues to be!

Contact Info

GoFit4Life Wellness
Heather & Steve Wilson

Leadville, Colorado

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